INFORMS Anual Meeting - INFORMS 2010, Austin (Estados Unidos de América). 07-10 noviembre 2010
In this work bilevel programming techniques are applied to the generation capacity expansion problem in the electricity sector in order to carry out a game-theoretic market analysis to support the decisions that generation companies have to face in the electricity market in order to build new plants. A stochastic Mathematical Program with Equilibrium Constraints formulation of the generation capacity problem is compared to the non-stochastic model with a focus on the impact on model results.
Fecha de publicación: 2010-11-07.
S. Wogrin, E. Centeno, J. Barquín, Analysis of investments in electricity plants with Stochastic Bilevel programming techniques, INFORMS Anual Meeting - INFORMS 2010, Austin (Estados Unidos de América). 07-10 noviembre 2010.